Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Spiced Party Nuts

Oh my. I had never experienced homemade spiced nuts before making them on New Year’s Eve. Man, they are good. The flavor of homemade versus store bought spiced nuts is incomparable. You really get a lot more bang for your buck if you can spare a few minutes to create your own (all three of these recipes takes less then 20 minutes and that’s including cooking time). They’re fresher, bolder and you have the flexibility of playing with the flavors. Say goodbye to expensive, stale, store-bought nuts and try one – or all three! – of these. Be forewarned: they’re addictive.

Note: all three recipes have slightly different cooking techniques.

Click here to download and print a pdf of this recipe:

Spiced Party Nuts

1 comment:

Rumela said...

I forgot to tell you about a simply recipe that made an appearance at my party a few weeks ago: Spice Nuts. I have always thought that the addition of an almond or a pistachio can enhance a recipe (or draw me to the recipe in the first place.) And I have a strong memory of buying some warm almonds from a street vendor.